Friday, February 5, 2010

Placenta Previa

I. Definition
- Is low implantation of the placenta

II. Cause(s)
- Uterine abnormality
- Increased parity
- Advanced maternal age
- Past cesarean births
- Past uterine curettage
- Multiple gestation

III. Types
- It occurs in four degrees:
A. implantation in the lower rather than in the upper portion of the uterus (low-lying placenta)
B. marginal implantation (the placenta edge approaches that of the cervical os)
C. implantation that occludes a portion of the cervical os (partial placenta previa)
D. implantation that totally obstructs the cervical os (total placenta previa).

IV. Signs and Symptoms
- Painless bleeding, bright red in color, at beginning of cervical dilation

1 comment:

Hazel said...

GOOD DAY. Do u have objectives for paracentesis, thoracocentesis, anthrocentesis and lumbar tap? thanks a lot!