Sunday, June 28, 2009

Admission, Labor Watch, Enema


1. Define the following terms:

1.1. admission

1.2. kardex

1.3. ID band

1.4. demographic data

2. State the purpose of admission.

3. Explain the nursing responsibilities of admission.


1. Define the following terms:

1.1. acrement

1.2. decrement

1.3. dilation

1.4. duration

1.5. effacement

1.6. engagement

1.7. frequency

1.8. Friedman’s curve

1.9. gravida

1.10. increment

1.11. intensity

1.12. intrapartal

1.13. labor watch

1.14. parity

1.15. Braxton-Hicks contraction

1.16. station

1.17. contraction

1.18. eutocia

1.19. dystocia

2. State the purpose of labor watch

3. Identify the nursing responsibilities during the first, second, and third stages of labor

4. Enumerate the following:

4.1. characteristics of contraction

4.2. guidelines of timing

4.3. contractions

5. Draw Friedman’s curve


1. Define the following terms:

1.1. enema

1.2. cleansing enema

1.3. flatulence

1.4. laxative

1.5. lubricant

1.6. retention enema

1.7. peristalsis

1.8. Harris flush enema

1.9. impaction

1.10. incontinence

2. State the purpose of enema

3. State the types of enema

4. Enumerate the following:

4.1. kinds of cleansing enema

4.2. types of solution used in enema

5. Discuss the following:

5.1. scientific principles involved in enema

5.2. indications and contraindications of enema

5.3. guidelines of enema

6. State the nursing responsibilities before, during, and after administering enema

7. Demonstrate beginning skills in administering enema

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Responsible Parenthood (theory)

+ Definition of Terms:

  • responsible parenthood - having a process of nurturing children physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually tobecome fully human ergo
  • marriage - institution where men and women becomes legally united on a permanent legal basis
  • family - two or more persons related through marriage, blood, birth, adoption; basic unit of society
  • obligation - responsibility to do something; compulsory
  • adoption - judicious act which creates a relationship between couple and child which results to a legitimate paternity and filiation instituted by a judge
  • legitimate - children conceived during voidable marriage; lawful, genuine, legal
  • legal separation - "mensa et thorno" means separated board and bed; judicial action for couples to go on their separate ways and cannot remarry
  • abortion - termination of pregancy before fetus reaches stage of viability
  • contract - agreement between 2 or more persons
+ Requisites of Marriage

A. Informal - essential requisites
  • legal capacity of the contracting parties who must be male and female
  • consent freely given in the presence ofa solemnizing office
B. Formal requisites
  • authority f the solemnizing officer(priest, judge, mayor, governor, pastor, consul, vice consul, ship captain, minister
  • valid marriage license
  • marriage ceremony
+ Family as an Institution

  • The family home
2 types:
a) family of orientation - family w/ parents and children
b) family of procreation - family you make with your husband/wife

  • Family relations
4 kinds:
a) between husband and wife
b) between parents and children
c) between ascendants(lolo, lola) and descendants(grandchildren)
d) among brothers and sisters

  • Important terms:
MATERNITY - civil status of the mother with respect to her sons/daughters
PATERNITY - civil status of thefather with respect to his sons/daughters
FILIATION - civil status of the child with respect to her father or mother

  • Types of filiation:
a) Natural - filiation by blood; may be legitimate or illegitimate
b) Step parenting - relationship between members of the family by remarriage of a parent and not by blood
c) Adoption - judicial act; between persons not related by blood

+ Styles of Parenting
  1. Authoritative/ Democratic
FOCUS: child centered
DISCIPLINE: set limits
FREEDOM: guide/direct
COMMUNICATION: open and receptive to suggestions; 2 way
REWARDS and PUNISHMENTS: favor positive reinforcements
CHARACTERISTICS: right to disagree, respect child's opinion

2. Autocratic

FOCUS: parent centered
DISCIPLINE: declares expectations, state rules
FREEDOM: strict
COMMUNICATION: values obedience; 1 way
REWARDS and PUNISHMENTS: favor negative reinforcements/ primitive punishment
CHARACTERISTICS: right to disagree, respect child's opinion, shape the childs rigidly, w/ clear defined rules and regulation

3. Permissive

FOCUS: care-free, independent
DISCIPLINE: absence of restraints, max freedom
FREEDOM: lenient
COMMUNICATION: expresses freely
REWARDS and PUNISHMENTS: none/ little
CHARACTERISTICS: lesser guidance, no fixed rules with inhibitions

+ Functional roles of parents

  • Power Role - assumes responsiblity w/in the family
  • Supportive role - one who deals with human relation i.e. comfort, empathize, advices
  • Companion Role - share some common interest
  • Status Role - assumed by a family member who provides income/financial support
+ Family Code of the Philippines

- effective August 3, 1988
- to marry: ages 18-25 needs parents CONSENT; ages 25+ needs parents ADVICE only
- Executive Order 209

+ Child and Youth Welfare Code

- Presidential Decree 603
- special categories:
  • dependent - no parent's guidance and support
  • abandoned - left anywhere
  • neglected - basic needs are not met
+ Women and Child Labor Law

- Presidential Decree 148
- "No child under 14 y/o shall be employed except where the child's work is under the sole responsibility of his parents/guardian which may not interfere his schooling"
- Sections:

Sec 1 - minimum employment
Sec 2 - age egilibility for employment
Sec 3 - additional coverage
Sec 4 - maternity leave benefits

+ Rights of Parents and Children, Duties and Responsibilites of Parents and Children = JUST GOOGLE IT! THERE'S AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THE PHILIPPINE CIVIL CODE. :D

+ Family Planning: soon to be posted!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oxygen Therapy (Objectives)

Oxygen Therapy


After this module, the Level II students wil be able to:

1. define the ff:
- anoxia
-biot’s breathing
-cheyne-stroke respiration
-kussmaul’s breathing
-o2 therapy
-o2 system
- tachypnea

2. discuss on the physiology of respiration

3. enumerate the importance of o2 therapy

4. identify the factors affecting oxygenation

5. cite the indications and contraindications of o2 therapy

6. explain d scientific principles involved in o2 therapy

7. discuss the ff:

-types of o2 source
-types of o2 regulators
- types of delivery system

8. cite d diff. methods of administration of o2 therapy accdg. to its percentage of o2 delivered and its advantages and disadvantages

-nasal cannulae
-o2 hood
- o2 tent
- mask w/ reservoir bag
- simple face mask
- venturi mask
- face tent
- ventilator

9. identify guidelines including safety precautions in administration of o2 therapy

10. discuss the possible complications that may arise during o2 therapy

11. enumerate the ng. responsibilities before, during and after administration of o2 therapy

12. cite the materials in the o2 set-up

13. demonstrate beginning skills in administering o2 therapy