Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oxygen Therapy (Objectives)

Oxygen Therapy


After this module, the Level II students wil be able to:

1. define the ff:
- anoxia
-biot’s breathing
-cheyne-stroke respiration
-kussmaul’s breathing
-o2 therapy
-o2 system
- tachypnea

2. discuss on the physiology of respiration

3. enumerate the importance of o2 therapy

4. identify the factors affecting oxygenation

5. cite the indications and contraindications of o2 therapy

6. explain d scientific principles involved in o2 therapy

7. discuss the ff:

-types of o2 source
-types of o2 regulators
- types of delivery system

8. cite d diff. methods of administration of o2 therapy accdg. to its percentage of o2 delivered and its advantages and disadvantages

-nasal cannulae
-o2 hood
- o2 tent
- mask w/ reservoir bag
- simple face mask
- venturi mask
- face tent
- ventilator

9. identify guidelines including safety precautions in administration of o2 therapy

10. discuss the possible complications that may arise during o2 therapy

11. enumerate the ng. responsibilities before, during and after administration of o2 therapy

12. cite the materials in the o2 set-up

13. demonstrate beginning skills in administering o2 therapy


gretchen said...

Could you please post the notes about oxygen therapy? Your notes were really helpful. Thanks!

DAAARYL said...

Pls. Post notes about oxygen therapy... Kinahanglan Kay gud ������ hahahuhu thanks