- responsible parenthood - having a process of nurturing children physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually tobecome fully human ergo
- marriage - institution where men and women becomes legally united on a permanent legal basis
- family - two or more persons related through marriage, blood, birth, adoption; basic unit of society
- obligation - responsibility to do something; compulsory
- adoption - judicious act which creates a relationship between couple and child which results to a legitimate paternity and filiation instituted by a judge
- legitimate - children conceived during voidable marriage; lawful, genuine, legal
- legal separation - "mensa et thorno" means separated board and bed; judicial action for couples to go on their separate ways and cannot remarry
- abortion - termination of pregancy before fetus reaches stage of viability
- contract - agreement between 2 or more persons
A. Informal - essential requisites
- legal capacity of the contracting parties who must be male and female
- consent freely given in the presence ofa solemnizing office
- authority f the solemnizing officer(priest, judge, mayor, governor, pastor, consul, vice consul, ship captain, minister
- valid marriage license
- marriage ceremony
- The family home
a) family of orientation - family w/ parents and children
b) family of procreation - family you make with your husband/wife
- Family relations
a) between husband and wife
b) between parents and children
c) between ascendants(lolo, lola) and descendants(grandchildren)
d) among brothers and sisters
- Important terms:
PATERNITY - civil status of thefather with respect to his sons/daughters
FILIATION - civil status of the child with respect to her father or mother
- Types of filiation:
b) Step parenting - relationship between members of the family by remarriage of a parent and not by blood
c) Adoption - judicial act; between persons not related by blood
+ Styles of Parenting
- Authoritative/ Democratic
DISCIPLINE: set limits
FREEDOM: guide/direct
COMMUNICATION: open and receptive to suggestions; 2 way
REWARDS and PUNISHMENTS: favor positive reinforcements
CHARACTERISTICS: right to disagree, respect child's opinion
2. Autocratic
FOCUS: parent centered
DISCIPLINE: declares expectations, state rules
FREEDOM: strict
COMMUNICATION: values obedience; 1 way
REWARDS and PUNISHMENTS: favor negative reinforcements/ primitive punishment
CHARACTERISTICS: right to disagree, respect child's opinion, shape the childs rigidly, w/ clear defined rules and regulation
3. Permissive
FOCUS: care-free, independent
DISCIPLINE: absence of restraints, max freedom
FREEDOM: lenient
COMMUNICATION: expresses freely
REWARDS and PUNISHMENTS: none/ little
CHARACTERISTICS: lesser guidance, no fixed rules with inhibitions
+ Functional roles of parents
- Power Role - assumes responsiblity w/in the family
- Supportive role - one who deals with human relation i.e. comfort, empathize, advices
- Companion Role - share some common interest
- Status Role - assumed by a family member who provides income/financial support
- effective August 3, 1988
- to marry: ages 18-25 needs parents CONSENT; ages 25+ needs parents ADVICE only
- Executive Order 209
+ Child and Youth Welfare Code
- Presidential Decree 603
- special categories:
- dependent - no parent's guidance and support
- abandoned - left anywhere
- neglected - basic needs are not met
- Presidential Decree 148
- "No child under 14 y/o shall be employed except where the child's work is under the sole responsibility of his parents/guardian which may not interfere his schooling"
- Sections:
Sec 1 - minimum employment
Sec 2 - age egilibility for employment
Sec 3 - additional coverage
Sec 4 - maternity leave benefits
+ Rights of Parents and Children, Duties and Responsibilites of Parents and Children = JUST GOOGLE IT! THERE'S AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THE PHILIPPINE CIVIL CODE. :D
+ Family Planning: soon to be posted!
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